Saturday, December 19, 2009
You're Passion
Those things you love and those things you can't stand both points to a powerful part of you. They point to your passion. Passion gives real power to whatever you do. Passion pushes you in a fulfilling direction that holds true meaning for your life. With passion for the goal, you'll find a way to make it there.
When passion is driving your actions, you can successfully work through any obstacle. Your authentic passion is nothing to be ashamed of. For it connects with the very core of the beautiful and unique person you are. Let your passion come to life. The more fully you express it, the more quickly you will move toward the fulfillment of your deepest desires. In your passion is you’re very own special reason why. Hold it close and keep it burning brightly, for in your passion is the drive to reach your dreams.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
True Friends
True Friends are so hard to come by, so rare, so special. They all have their down falls, however through it all, there are so attuned to each other it is marvelous to be in their company. You look forward to getting out of bed and seeing their smiling face.
Even if you talk to them from time to time, and share you smiles with them. You should always stay in contact no matter what you do with your life.
For if you don’t and go astray, your ideas will not connect. You will end up not losing only a friend, even worse a companion in this race. For it is labeled the human race for some other reason than that we all share our humanity, as a commonality, but so much more.
Who will find the reason first? Does it really matter? Of course it does not correct. Then, why may I ask are we fighting so? For respect, land, or power, is that clear enough? I sure hope it is.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
When passion is driving your actions, you can successfully work through any obstacle. Your authentic passion is nothing to be ashamed of. For it connects with the very core of the beautiful and unique person you are. Let your passion come to life.
The more fully you express it, the more quickly you will move toward the fulfillment of your deepest desires. In your passion is your very own special reason why. Hold it close and keep it burning brightly, for in your passion is the drive to reach your dreams.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Seeds of Love
When love is planted, no matter where, it will grow. To new heights it will always grow, no matter what. It always seems to overcome each and every obstacle life sets before it.
It is unstoppable. In fact, nothing can ever stop it. Love can be slowed; however it cannot totally be halted.
Its excitement will last and overcome overcome everything. Love is the strongest.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Everybody loves having relations with someone. Why is their so much of a fuss for getting one started? All of society is based on this as a matter of fact.
Relations with others are not so easy to maintain as you would think they are.
We all need to socialize, be it through reading, writing, speaking, or anything elsewhere you communicate to get your thoughts. We just have to be careful on how we choose to socialize, because the method we use could cause conflicts galore.
It is important to go with the flow on some things, yet not to be so absent as to do whatever comes our way. In that we are participating in the human struggle directly.
Individual choice keeps us unique to all others. Dealing with your obstacles throughout life takes a tremendous amount of power, both physically and mentally.
You have the ability to choose your own path however you have obstacles that need to be balanced as well at the same time.
Living is like a huge balancing act. Anger is sometimes a lack of balancing in either direction. Sickness is another one of some greater importance.
Getting through life is crucial to living. We all have a choice; different paths to follow. We have to stay even tempered the most time that is possible, for our well being as well as well as others.
Choosing your own path gets us different places throughout life. It is important that you remain true to your goals. Even if the goal changes try the best you can to remain as true to it as possible.
Remaining true gives you power, which is a positive energy. It makes accumulating energy all the more easier for you.
Relationships need to co-exist with all this. The more the communicate this all, the more positive they will grow by producing the most good energy they are able to. The more positive they they grow the more happiness they will let you produce.
Positive Energy
Positive energy is very difficult to maintain throughout life. It is because there are so many obstacles we all have to survive occurring all at once. We all have to be joyous as to not take it so seriously, laugh all you can and have fun as much as possible. You end up where you end up; if it goes according to your plan for the entire energy wave that we are on, if it works out differently at least we are enjoying the ride throughout life.
No matter the struggle we go through; if consciously or unconsciously, just enjoy it. For that is, all we can do. When you enjoy yourself, similarities appear more and more, leading to further enjoyment. Attraction works its wonders mysteriously. However it always is for the best of every situation.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Music always draws us together. Through life’s tragedies it is always there. As long as you care, it is always there.
It always exists no matter what predicament you find yourself in. It always can help you find a way. It can also help your life no matter what.
We can always feel the music in your soul. It can see you through it all, no matter what.
Music is the harmonic connection between all of us. It is the beauty of all life in the harmonic connection of all existence.
Music is nature’s way of communicating through all of life. It is what you feel when you wake up. It is responsible for all that we do. We all love music. However some of us love it more then we love food.
Memories are good. Living a full life is better. All of life is worth every amount of happiness. Memories drive us to greatness as well as life worth living.
Music causes life to go forward. It is a fantastic way to live your life. If music is your passion then all life will open to your passions and will be ecstatic with results.
Music is very mysterious. It brings us all together in a magical way. We all have to feel our musical value within life.
It has a magical way of bringing us all together. We can always escape in our music and it will lead us out of all situations as well as to such greatness.
All of life is magical and it always has qualities that astound us. Throughout all life it will lead us all to a better more harmonious existence. It leads us all to so much greatness through all of life’s great obstacles, which will make us who we are meant to be.
It unites all people through a magical harmonious quality. In essence it is all of life. Through the entire trauma we go through there is such an eccentric quality of our life which is known as destiny which music makes harmoniously clear. It also brings about a feeling of such good will that it can only bring about that is naturally of such greatness,
parts of life,
Love Variable
Love is one of the greatest variables that differs sentient being technology. Although technology was created by humans it doesn’t have the capacity to love so show appreciation.
Love cannot exist without equality as well as equality can’t exist without love. Love has its limits within itself though. Love and equality are so comingled that it’s hard to see the difference
Why is love such a struggle?
Why are we so distrusting of everyone? We should trust people until they give us a reason not to. Love is so hard to find, but this lack of trust makes it almost impossible. I guess it has so many variables that differs sentient being from technology. Although technology was created by humans it doesn’t have the capacity to love so show appreciation.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Being open usually goes with being honest. When the truth is so difficult to get across; either way if your open or honest to much, you will not get your point across. Either way if you are not open as well as honest, you will not get your point across.
For example, say the truth was a piece of gum. You would have to chew more and more to get the true flavor. If you chewed to much it would start to lose its flavor.
That is in essence what the truth is like. It is like the more you pursue the truth the better it gets, until it takes a turn for the worse. We have not figured out where that turn is, and it is getting worse everytime we try to go look for it. Since we start rushing, that could be what makes it get worse. However if we go slowly, the more the possibilities inhance, however the more mistakes we can make.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
How quickly do you do tell your story when you someone new?
It depends on the person, how free their mind is, or how comfortable I feel. Acceptance is a key as well. Love does equal all these things and more to me. They all are abundantly similar and useful in their own right, but together they are stronger than anything.
How often do you think about the person who has done you wrong?
That is a difficult question because it is so hard for me to sort out my feelings but I believe once a year for my biological parents case is enough.
How has withholding forgiveness affected other relationships in your life?
Withholding forgiveness has encouraged me to better myself in small ways in school, however not to the measurable standards of others.
individuals choice,
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Observe Beauty
When you slow down long enough to notice the details around you, you will awed by the beauty and abundance of this world. This is a splendid time to express your thankfulness for all that you have and all that you are going to create in your life. Keeping a gratitude journal is nothing more than writing down a few ideas that you understand each day. This may help you by expressing your own ideas that you are grateful for. This practice of your writing a few sentences each day is for your own reflections.
You will experience begin to look for things throughout your day to write down. Once you get going, the whole world becomes beautiful.
emotional attributes of life,
Monday, November 30, 2009
Match Up
People are extremely complex entities. They are so complex that they cannot survive singularly. They have immense issues which pose a threat of mass proportion. Through being socially enhanced they produce offspring which furthers the problem immensely.
There are an extremely exuberant amount of people in the world, growing at an alarming rate. This is not caused by love as much as a survival need that has been embedded in our psyche from youth.
Every child is taught right from wrong, and therefore if it feel good, pursue. However no limitations have been set or if they were set they were too late.
So the problem of over-population began. It is not just a simple problem; it has led to resource shortages. This is the first problem in a whole array of issues with no immediate solution.
Love Variable
Love is one of the greatest variables that differs sentient being technology. Although technology was created by humans it doesn’t have the capacity to love so show appreciation.
Love cannot exist without equality as well as equality can’t exist without love. Love has its limits within itself though. Love and equality are so comingled that it’s hard to see the difference.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Possible Love
Love makes possibilities possible. They have a better chance of existing if there is enough love behind it. Passionate love is a strong as well as contagious force.
It can accomplish everything when it goes full force as well as being joined by others. You then have a love team, which is unstoppable, but at the same time it is aware of the consequences of the effects it creates.
It can accomplish everything when it goes full force as well as being joined by others. You then have a love team, which is unstoppable, but at the same time it is aware of the consequences of the effects it creates.
Love Life for Life
We should not live in fear of anything. Especially something we have no control over. We should just live life freely and have the most enjoyable time we have in and with it. There is no to do list, schedule, or script to follow. Just respect others and be guided by the laws you hold dear. But other than that rest, relax, but most importantly we have to have a blast.
It is your life, do what you want with it. Only one rule, we have to always be able to live with yourself. That is all we have. So treat yourself the best you can, as well as others. Then you will be truly happy all the time.
That is a major point of life to make yourself happy as well as to make others happy.
emotional attributes of life,
Love is...
Love is like the sun. Dilemmas are the same as clouds, no matter how cloudy it gets the sun always breaks through. No matter how problematic life gets love always survives.
However if hatred or problems do not exist, love would not be so strong.
Every positive needs its negative to exist. Positives, however don't always know that negatives exist. They do not know the quality or amount they are of either.
Sometimes positives are unprepared for the conflicts that negative will make.
That is why strength in numbers is so important. However sometimes there is too much of a certain group of positives as well as negatives that nothing could occur.
These crises occur more or less than the amount of situations that exist. If this occurs too much there is no progress that will be achieved. Life’s vary essence is defined by the amount of progress made within a given occurrence of time.
This is when growth occurs. Growth makes us better equipped to deal with the improvements that naturally occurs within life.
Meanings of Love
There are extremely many meanings to love. Many people say the three most important rules are "I Love You." Love is not ever blind. In fact when one sense goes the others increase, however the love that everyone feels for each other is the most constant flow of energy we can ever hope to acquire.
Love all, be all and see all. If you love everything about everyone, it stand to reason that you can see all or at least feel everything that is happening throughout the world. Love sees truth and things that you hold dear to your soul.
Love is discovery of ourselves as well as being delightfully surprised by the recognition. If you show love to all life you are at the most peaceful state that is known to all. Love is all around, forever and ever.
Love is always forgiving as well as open to anything the world happens to have in store for it on the long journey of life, in which it is travelling. It has different permutations in which it goes through. That is how it forms such a glorious atmosphere within each life. It is a part of each and every life it is shown to.
We are both born out of love as well as love is the reason for our existence. It helps us get through our day. It drives us to a new and brighter future. Love is essentially who and what we are, even if we do not choose to practice it. The more you attempt to hold love the further it gets from you. If you try to catch love the harder it is to receive it. Love is in question so much it is unbelievable.
Love all, be all and see all. If you love everything about everyone, it stand to reason that you can see all or at least feel everything that is happening throughout the world. Love sees truth and things that you hold dear to your soul.
Love is discovery of ourselves as well as being delightfully surprised by the recognition. If you show love to all life you are at the most peaceful state that is known to all. Love is all around, forever and ever.
Love is always forgiving as well as open to anything the world happens to have in store for it on the long journey of life, in which it is travelling. It has different permutations in which it goes through. That is how it forms such a glorious atmosphere within each life. It is a part of each and every life it is shown to.
We are both born out of love as well as love is the reason for our existence. It helps us get through our day. It drives us to a new and brighter future. Love is essentially who and what we are, even if we do not choose to practice it. The more you attempt to hold love the further it gets from you. If you try to catch love the harder it is to receive it. Love is in question so much it is unbelievable.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Love Runs
Love runs on problems. If there were no problems, there wouldn’t be much need or desire for problems.
Love is peace. Love is kindness. Love is a major part harmony. Harmony is a magnificent state of being. It is never boring or still. It is always alive and in motion.
In music, a good harmony gives life to a piece. In life a good harmony creates motion as well as a wonderful state of being. It never completes even in times of regeneration. It even turns when things look dismal and your life is falling all apart. It will turn, just wait for it. Harmony is always alive as well as in motion.
There are two main types of harmonic waves, a positive wave value and a negative wave value. The waves are responsible for every encounter we have in life. They always have a match. They give life structure and continuity. They also make life so rich and balanced.
Even in pictures, harmony is present. In all art it is really. It makes certain individuals feel one way and others feel another. This is one reason art is of great value. This thought I’m am writing now promote different ideas, which are all good. It is greatly because of the fact that we are brought up in differently which gives us are unique personality. So we perceive the fantastic world in a diverse way. That enhances the variables of humanity. That is why harmony is so precious in the living quarters of life.
Love runs on problems. If there were no problems, there wouldn’t be much need or desire for problems.
Love is peace. Love is kindness. Love is a major part harmony. Harmony is a magnificent state of being. It is never boring or still. It is always alive and in motion.
In music, a good harmony gives life to a piece. In life a good harmony creates motion as well as a wonderful state of being. It never completes even in times of regeneration. It even turns when things look dismal and your life is falling all apart. It will turn, just wait for it. Harmony is always alive as well as in motion.
There are two main types of harmonic waves, a positive wave value and a negative wave value. The waves are responsible for every encounter we have in life. They always have a match. They give life structure and continuity. They also make life so rich and balanced.
Even in pictures, harmony is present. In all art it is really. It makes certain individuals feel one way and others feel another. This is one reason art is of great value. This thought I’m am writing now promote different ideas, which are all good. It is greatly because of the fact that we are brought up in differently which gives us are unique personality. So we perceive the fantastic world in a diverse way. That enhances the variables of humanity. That is why harmony is so precious in the living quarters of life.
lasts throughout time
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Disorder frightens us all. Not being in order is one of our magnimous problems, or perhaps it leads us to undiscovered areas of the essence of life.
When you think you are in perfect order: you either are, or are not, but is there an in between. You have to let your mysteries lead you to where they want.
Otherwise you will be on the same exact journey that you are known. Inability to change is one of life greatest as well as feared obstacles. It is always like we will go where led, but will not lead the way.
Trust yourself. Love yourself and all you see because it is so wonderful to be alive. So follow that wonder to life and live on to cross whatever obstacle is in your path. Help others as well if you are strong enough to or if you can at least try.
When you think you are in perfect order: you either are, or are not, but is there an in between. You have to let your mysteries lead you to where they want.
Otherwise you will be on the same exact journey that you are known. Inability to change is one of life greatest as well as feared obstacles. It is always like we will go where led, but will not lead the way.
Trust yourself. Love yourself and all you see because it is so wonderful to be alive. So follow that wonder to life and live on to cross whatever obstacle is in your path. Help others as well if you are strong enough to or if you can at least try.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Seeds of Love
When love is planted, no matter where, it will grow. To new heights it will always grow, no matter what. It always seems to overcome each and every obstacle life sets before it.
It is unstoppable. In fact, nothing can ever stop it. Love can be slowed; however it cannot totally be halted.
Its excitement will last and overcome overcome everything. Love is the strongest.
It is unstoppable. In fact, nothing can ever stop it. Love can be slowed; however it cannot totally be halted.
Its excitement will last and overcome overcome everything. Love is the strongest.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Is passion good? Or is passion bad? No wonder we are all in a state of confusion. We all need to recognize that, not ignore it.
Only then can we solve our dilemmas. This is not new. It is very common, however not always followed.
Would you like the future to have a future? Of course we all do. So why fight battles that do not need to be thought. We should all just fight the fights that need to be fought. The ones that can no be solved any other way. We all should abide by this so forth encouraging the existence of life.
Only then can we solve our dilemmas. This is not new. It is very common, however not always followed.
Would you like the future to have a future? Of course we all do. So why fight battles that do not need to be thought. We should all just fight the fights that need to be fought. The ones that can no be solved any other way. We all should abide by this so forth encouraging the existence of life.
Is Love Enough?
What is love? Historical, affection, cause and effect, what else makes time up? All that makes up love right? But say the different views of life can change your life. I am saying if no one knows what makes us love each other, is it more or less important? It doesn’t matter does it, love knows no bounds, right?
There are different aspects to life and love and that does not make it any less valuable. Even if you don’t always communicate all the time, you should always express your thoughts correct, don’t let other things distract you as much as they look valuable at the time, because whatever you are doing at the time, that is what you believe is more important, and maybe you will get part of your way, if you are clear in what you want at the time.
There are different aspects to life and love and that does not make it any less valuable. Even if you don’t always communicate all the time, you should always express your thoughts correct, don’t let other things distract you as much as they look valuable at the time, because whatever you are doing at the time, that is what you believe is more important, and maybe you will get part of your way, if you are clear in what you want at the time.
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