Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Love is...
Love is like the sun. Dilemmas are the same as clouds, no matter how cloudy it gets the sun always breaks through. No matter how problematic life gets love always survives.
However if hatred or problems do not exist, love would not be so strong.
Every positive needs its negative to exist. Positives, however don't always know that negatives exist. They do not know the quality or amount they are of either.
Sometimes positives are unprepared for the conflicts that negative will make.
That is why strength in numbers is so important. However sometimes there is too much of a certain group of positives as well as negatives that nothing could occur.
These crises occur more or less than the amount of situations that exist. If this occurs too much there is no progress that will be achieved. Life’s vary essence is defined by the amount of progress made within a given occurrence of time.
This is when growth occurs. Growth makes us better equipped to deal with the improvements that naturally occurs within life.