Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Love is...

Love is among the most powerful emotions we as humans are privileged enough to experience, as it represents the deep and unbreakable bonds we form with those we cherish. But while love often leads to feelings of unmitigated joy, it can also manifest in incredible sorrow, especially when those we love are no longer with us. In those times when love causes raw and painful feelings, we must remember the words the great poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote in an elegy for his best friend: “’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” The end of our physical relationships with people don’t mean our love for them has to fade away. In fact, we’d be doing a disservice to their memory if we ignored the love we once shared with them. While circumstances may change and people may drift apart, we need not forget or deny the deep connection that once existed and helped to shape us into the people we are today.