Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.
Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.
The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.
One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn't hear the band - he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.
Days and weeks passed.
One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths, only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.
Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall.
She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you."
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Most times we are unaware...but there are angels...everywhere ....

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Joy has to spread as fast as a virus. If it does not anger shall dominate the world. Anger is the most virulent disease.
Monday, March 15, 2010
A kiss is one of the most intimate and sensuous things you can experience with another person. Unfortunately, while there’s no “right” way to kiss, many people experience anxiety about kissing or don’t know how to ask for a kiss.
1-Be kissable. Use lipbalm, especially if your lips tend to get dry and chapped. Soft, silky smooth lips are simply more inviting. Most importantly, nobody wants to kiss someone with a stinky mouth, so carry some breath mints or gum with you, especially if you’re going out on a date. Breath mints are preferable, because you can use them in a pinch and not have to worry about getting rid of them. Also be sure to stay well hydrated; a dry mouth usually will smell worse. Of course, make sure you don’t have anything stuck in your teeth, either.
2- Test the waters. Pay attention to signals that the other person is into you and is ready for a kiss. Does he or she seem comfortable touching you. Do they brush up against you or frequently enter your personal space with playful, innocent touches. Has the subject of kissing or love come up in conversation? If you haven’t noticed any of these signals, but the person does seem “into you,” try discreetly and innocently breaking the touch barrier (guys will generally be very receptive to this, many girls will not) or bringing up kissing when you’re talking. The key is to be subtle and to watch the other person’s reaction.
3-Wait for the right moment. There’s usually no hurry for a kiss, especially a first kiss with someone, so be patient and wait until the mood is right. Some good times are at a romantic movie after or during an onscreen kiss, walking in the moonlight, or during a particularly intimate conversation. Wait until the two of you are alone so that the other person will feel more comfortable and so that nobody will see if your attempt to kiss is rejected.
4-Get permission for the kiss. You usually don’t have to ask if you can kiss someone, but you do need to make sure your partner is willing to kiss you. The easiest way, of course, is to ask, but it just makes things awkward so don't . Ask “May I kiss you?” or say “I’d like to kiss you,” and lean in right away. Many girls (and guys) don't want to be asked: they prefer that you be confident enough to take a risk and just go for it. One way to do so is to stop whatever you’re doing and silently look into the person’s eyes for a moment or two. If your partner's eyes drift down to your lips that’s a pretty good sign that he or she is ready for a kiss—chances are the reaction may be subtler, however. Another good way to get permission is to just lean in and try to kiss the person or gently pull him/her toward you for a kiss. If the person pulls away at any time, he or she is not ready for a kiss.
5-Approach for the kiss. Approach slowly and smoothly. Depending on your starting position you may need only to turn your head, or you may need to lean in a bit. You may want to use your hands to gently urge your partner’s body or head into position—you just want to guide his or her movement a little, you don’t want to forcibly move any part of his or her body or hold your partner in an uncomfortable position—but in general you just want to position yourself correctly and let your partner meet you. As you near your partner’s lips, maintain eye contact. You may want to close your eyes after your lips meet to heighten the sensuality of the kiss (and to avoid staring at the pores on his or her face).
6- Kiss gently. There are many kinds of kisses, from quick pecks to sweet, passionate kisses. There’s a time and place for all of these, but your first kiss with someone should be gentle and romantic. Don’t press your mouth onto your partner’s--just let your lips meet--and don’t try to push your tongue into his or her mouth. A soft, closed-mouth-to-closed-mouth kiss is perfect. Break the kiss for a moment, keeping your head close to your partner’s, and if your partner moves to kiss you back or seems to like it and doesn’t pull away, go in for another, longer, but still gentle, kiss.
7-Make the kiss the reason for the kiss. A lot of people (mostly men) seem to treat kisses as nothing more than a prelude to something else, and will try to quickly move into French kissing or start putting their hands in inappropriate places. Good kissers concentrate on the kiss, and they kiss, at least seemingly, expecting nothing more. Enjoy the experience, and don’t move too fast.
8-Let your partner participate in the kiss. Good kissing requires give-and-take, so read your partner’s body language and pay attention to clues (sighs or moans) that tell you you’re doing something he or she likes. Let your partner kiss you back, and move with him or her as long as you’re comfortable with what he or she is doing.
9- Breathe. If you’re kissing for an extended period, it’s easy to forget to breathe. Gasping, however, or turning blue is not romantic. Take small breaths through your nose as you kiss. You do not forget how to breathe!
10-Use your hands. While you should keep your hands polite, especially on a first kiss, you don’t necessarily want them just dangling at your sides. Embrace your partner, cup his or her face very gently in your hands, or run your hands through his or her hair. Another turn on for the first kiss is to gently caress their shoulder while you kiss. It shows you are comfortable with him/her. Don't forget your manners!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
17 signs you like someone
17 signs you like someone
this is how u know u like/love someone
You look at their profile constantly.
When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up, you still miss them even when it was just two minutes ago.
You read their Texts and Ims Over and over again.
You walk really slow when you're with them.
You feel shy whenever they're around.
When you think about them, your heart beats faster but slower at the same time.
You smile when you hear their voice.
When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you, you just see him/her.
You start listening to slow songs while thinking about them.
They're all you think about.
You get high just from their scent.
You realize you're always smiling when you're looking at them.
You would do anything for them, just to see them.
While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time.
You were so busy thinking about that person, you didnt notice number twelve was missing
You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at yourself.
this is how u know u like/love someone
You look at their profile constantly.
When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up, you still miss them even when it was just two minutes ago.
You read their Texts and Ims Over and over again.
You walk really slow when you're with them.
You feel shy whenever they're around.
When you think about them, your heart beats faster but slower at the same time.
You smile when you hear their voice.
When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you, you just see him/her.
You start listening to slow songs while thinking about them.
They're all you think about.
You get high just from their scent.
You realize you're always smiling when you're looking at them.
You would do anything for them, just to see them.
While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time.
You were so busy thinking about that person, you didnt notice number twelve was missing
You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at yourself.
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Aftermath of Your Love
I still own the house that we used to share,
I see your shadow, but you're never there
I've rearranged the furniture and yet,
The way that it was I can't seem to forget.
I've taken down all the pictures of us,
And still I remember and endlessly fuss.
I still feel your presence behind every wall,
As if you were hiding, like a child, from it all.
I still see you when day turns to dusk,
"Just my imaginings," I say in disgust.
Even after all the years in between,
You still are a part of all of my dreams.
Even though you haven't ever come home,
My heart it still races when I hear the phone.
I've re-painted each room, and still they remain,
A reminder as if they all whisper your name.
My roommates are still the dog and the cat,
Still confused, they wonder where you are at.
The neighbors have moved, life has moved on,
Except for my life, it hasn't moved since you've gone.
I still hold the same job, at still the same pay,
Nothing much has changed since you've been away.
I still only have my one friend from before,
I'm not into company very much anymore.
I'm not into living, or loving, or life,
Now that, my darling, I'm no longer your wife.
I've tried to start over but I don't have the will,
But I own every memory of our marriage still.
I still picture you pouting just like a child,
I still see your dimples and the way that you smiled.
I still hear your laughter, and your sweet melody,
I just can't understand why you ever left me.
They tell me I'm mourning and that I still grieve,
But I don't understand just why did you leave?
Why did the Lord take you ~ I needed you so
and, darling, I still find I can't let you go.
Minus you, sweetheart, I'm nothing I find
My heart's become barren and cold over time.
I have tried to forget you ~ I've tried to move on
But darling I can't... My purpose is gone.
Friends tell me that I'll find true love again
but for now I would settle for just one true friend.
Someone who knows what my life feels like now
Someone, I guess, who has "been there" somehow.
As another dawn rises ~ a new day is here
yet for me it just holds more pain and more fear
And that empty pit I now own where once was my heart
it's drowning in misery and breaking apart.
Widows and widowers all know how I feel
As though it's a dream and not truly real
Our legs keep on walking as we "soldier on"
But we're no longer living when our loved one has gone.....
Love and Light,
Donna Wallace
a.k.a Gentle-Daydreamer
Sunday, March 7, 2010
No Show Love
The thing to know about love, is that it’s sometimes a lonely one way street with no lamp posts to guide the way. How to light the way when no one is there to show the way? Walking alone into the alone doesn’t need to be a lonely path even if the love seems so far away. ‘One way love’ may be passing by what the heart yearns for. Lose the mind and, find the answer in the heart where love is always smiling in hiding. Don’t make yourself crazy and, find out who you really are and, not who you have grown accustomed to think who you
falsely are. In the darkness of the nite of the soul, there are always stars guiding the way until the dawn of a new day and, a new way. Love always comes back around, so make it a total love that comes back around ‘cause ‘less than full love comes back too’! “The worst in Life is ‘attachment’ hurts when you lose it. The best thing in life is ‘loneliness’, because it teaches you everything and, when you lose it, you get everything”.
Love from those who struggle to love themselves, is at best wonderful in the moment but like the falling snow that turns to cold rain. One who has deep self love always is protected from ‘retractable’, momentary love. Fear, as in fear of abandonment, lurks like a shadow with love that begins as a glowing star. Night falls on
insecure love sometimes with the slightest provocation. Always let go totally and the love you feel will follow you through ‘love’s goodbye’. People enter into our lives with lessons to give and, love to embellish the heart. Love’s loss is the clearing of an opportunity for a fresh love to warm the heart but, only when the ‘no show’ love is but a pleasant memory and, not attached to. ‘No show love’ also happens to the person not showing up usually for the rest of their life, so have compassion for those that walk away into the night. The
night’s are ultimately cold and lonely as the stars fade ever so quickly leaving emptiness. Sending warm thoughts keep one’s heart also warm. Why settle for half way love when once love is deep and genuine, it feeds the heart forever.
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