Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Love is...

Love is among the most powerful emotions we as humans are privileged enough to experience, as it represents the deep and unbreakable bonds we form with those we cherish. But while love often leads to feelings of unmitigated joy, it can also manifest in incredible sorrow, especially when those we love are no longer with us. In those times when love causes raw and painful feelings, we must remember the words the great poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote in an elegy for his best friend: “’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” The end of our physical relationships with people don’t mean our love for them has to fade away. In fact, we’d be doing a disservice to their memory if we ignored the love we once shared with them. While circumstances may change and people may drift apart, we need not forget or deny the deep connection that once existed and helped to shape us into the people we are today.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Invasion of Love

This is so miraculous and marvelous to live your life so grateful to all the wonders life has to offer; by living this way you will never be let down. Love has a remarkable way of creating a light and airy quality within your life. It is so freeing.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Do you recognize your creator? Describe your creator and how you came to this reality?

Everyone in my life contributes to my being. I am a compilation of my friends and family as well as my beliefs which are always growing and emerging into new thought’s.


Monday, December 4, 2023

Practice compassion. Write about ways you can show compassion to others and plan to put into motion.

I am already extremely compassionate. I try my best to listen to my family and friends advice. I help people as much as I can. I listen to their problems and try my best to help them. Or find them a place where they can get answers to their questions.


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Love Happens...

Love occurs when we least expect it. We should cherish every moment for we do not know how long it will last. We have so many variables that make us up that when we find a similar set we should celebrate it as much as we can.


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

What Love is.....

By Jafree

Love is infinitely patient and intentionally kind.

It is the deep sweet nectar found inside your very soul.

Love is this softness that opens your heart and quiets your mind.

It accepts every aspect of who you are and who you are not.

Love knows you, believes in you, and clearly sees exactly where you are in your life.

Love has no limitations on what is and is not acceptable inside you. There are no boundaries around what love can and cannot approve of. It welcomes all your parts, inviting in the worst aspects of you with a warm fuzzy heart and joyous sparkling eyes.

Love is the light that shines the way in the darkest hour of our lives. It ignites the fire that guides our spiritual path,
beckoning us to rise up and out from our darkest misery to surrender and merge with great healing source of our being.

Love is always fearless, always courageous, and always present. It is
never wrong, never misguided, and is never ever afraid. It is the perfect state that cannot be improved upon. It is always accessible, always available, and always always here now.

Love is always generous, completely abundant, and constantly giving to others as well to itself. It is like the Sun, an inexhaustible outpouring of life energy that shares it's bliss for the pure exhilarating joy of it. It is the eternal, infinite, inexhaustible source of life.

Love says you deserve even more love,
especially when you don't feel worthy of it. It invites you to surrender all your resistance, and remember how perfect, sacred and utterly lovable you truly are.

Love feels all of your pain with you,
holding your hand through your life's most panicked moments and never letting go.

Love honors your deepest wounds, helping you to see how they are your greatest teachers. It is absolute empathy, sympathy and has the most profound compassion possible for you.

Love breaks down the walls of what we think is not possible. It inspires us to step into our life mission and highest potentiality. Love is the flame that ignites the great bonfire within us, needed to burn through our limiting beliefs so we can manifest the most amazing life imaginable.

Love is the most amazing experience that we can have in this entire Universe.
It is the most gentle exquisite feeling, that is conscious, sacred, sweet and tender. It holds you so softly, and with such a strength that it sends tingles all the way up your spine.

Love is the cure for every physical disease, every mental illness and unbearable emotional wounding we may have. Love opens and relaxes every tension, immediately liberating us from all anxiety and worry. Invoking love into our body it heals us instantly awakening every cell to remember absolute perfection. Love is the doorway to eternal life.

Love is devotion itself, fully committed to expanding our hearts into our lives. Love is the deepening and softening of our breath that awakens the healing purpose of our soul. It is the permanent authentic smile within us, forever giggling at our worries, knowing the deepest possible joy is the foundation of our existence.

Love paves the path for the greatest orgasmic experience of our lives. It transforms ordinary sex into a sacred healing experience. Love unites lovers to merge and melt into the one Divine Source. It is the most personal, intimate, and deeply sensual experience we can have. Love is the spiritual energy that brings the highest form of life into existence.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Making of Love

The light of love will never die  as long as it is fanned and given strength by hope. Hope won't ever die because its roots are densely made up of harmony. Harmony is made up of the worlds music.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Free Hug Campaign

The Free Hug campaign started in Sydney, Australia in 2006. Over 300 medical students, gave more than 30,000 free hugs in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, at Corpus Christi mass on May 30th, 2013 promoted by SEAS DOM. Chile, Tokyo and London are some other places the campaign has spread. International Free Hugs Month is celebrated on the first Saturday of July and continues until August first.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Rose Quartz

It is the stone of unconditional love. One of the most important stones of the Heart Chakra work. It opens the heart to all kinds of love-love of self, love of friends,  love of family, romantic love.  Because it is a type of quartz, Roes Quartz does have a high energy, but its vibe is also calming and soothing.

Rose Quartz opens the heart to compassion of self and others, and raises self esteem. Rose Quartz eases guilt and balences emotions, lowering stress and bringing peace. Use it to enhance positive self esteem.

The soothing energy of it fosters empathy, reconciliation and forgiveness of others. Lowering stress and tension in the heart Rose Quartz clears anger, jealousy and resentment of others and allows healing of the heart issues and dis-ease associated to holding onto such negative emotions.

Known as a romance stone, it can be used to attract love. Put a piece of Rose Quartz by your bedside table, or in the realationship corner of a room or home to attract new loves or friends. It adds energy to realationship bringing calm and peace. The comforting and soothing energy of Rose Quartz can also help heal a broken heart, release of pent up emotions and grief. It also helps release unexpressed feelings about others.

Rose Quartz allows the user to open to accept love from others and to recognize the unconditional love of the Universe. Use it to bring calm and harmony during times of increased stress or crises. Rose Quartz may also be used to balence all of the Chakras and removve negative energy and replace it with love energy.

Physically, Rose Quartz is used to heal ailments of the thymus, heart and lungs. It is also known to help heal breast cancer and is an excellant support stone for most other types of cancer as well.

Friday, April 4, 2014

What Love Means To Me

It is an essential, most radiant element and the modt powerful element in life. It's able to resist and overcome everything in life, throughout the journey of the cosmos. Souls touched by love cannot resist but spreading it to others. It is the key to advancing to a higher plane of existance.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Happiness radiates through each and every one of us. One of the many obstacles is to find a way to make each of us happy without harming another. This is creating a true utopian society. We each project what we think is true and correct. Another obstacle is to make all of our uniqueness co-exist with all the others in the great multi-universes.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


When you're feeling a little down please remember this:

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness Hide every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near That's the time you must keep on trying Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile

That's the time you must keep on trying Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile

Words by John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons"

Saturday, April 27, 2013


You want to be with me
I want to be with you

You want to have fun with me
I want to have fun with you

Sunday, December 23, 2012

ABCs of Love

A- All the time, I can only think of you.

B- Being w you, the world is so beautiful.

C- Catching every breath, you breathe.

D- Doing all the things that you like.

E- Ella is my name, I wish I'm the one you think of.
F- 4am, I m still writing about you.

G- Giving all my thought to you.

H- Happiness can be so simple.

I- I like you, there's no reason.

J- Just that I can't tell you more.

K- Knowing It's not possible for me n you.

L- Love can heal some scars n wounds.

M- Money can never buy happiness.

N- Neither It can buy love.

O- Only you, I can think of.

P- Part of me still wanna talk to you.

Q- Queens n Kings only stay in fairytale.

R- Right now, I can only call your name.

S- Sleep w thoughts of you until daylight.

T- Take all my love, anytime you want to.

U- Upon my heart, I say a little prayer for you.

V- Valentines Day, I wish I can be w you.

W- With the love I wrote, If your door is not

X- Xtra happiness awaiting at your doorstep.

Y- you're the only one I can think of.

Z- Zoom my heart, If you can't see.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Love all

We are all brothers and sisters within the human family. We shouldn't make others feel bad, for this is hurtful, and also is the opposite of love. We, literally, are the world. We are love and have the ability to love.

There is only one color of blood which flows in our veins. We should respect everyone including ourselves because of this. This idea is the key of loving eachother as well as ourselves.

We should unite, be honest as.well as open with all and be willing to speak out and listen when needed. "Love one another as I have loved you."

We are all able to do what we set our minds to. It may be a difficult road, but isn't the correct way always the most difficult.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Strength of Love

Love is like anything else, it needs to be exercised. It is a muscle, the more that you exercise it, the stronger it becomes. If not you start to resent.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Everyone can Love

Not everyone can write a lovely poem,

sing in tune,

create an angel out from a marble,

sculpt a statue,

paint a work of art ,

or plays the violin or the piano,

but everyone can love.

Not everyone can see the beauty of nature

hear the melodies of pastorale

read the works of the genius

but everyone can love

Not everyone can appreciate

the glorious days of Rome or Greece,

or visit the pyramids of Mexico or Egypt,

or go to Machu Pichu,

or trek the Himalayas,

but everyone can love

Not everyone can cruise the Mediterranean,

or enjoy the breeze of Caribbean,

or travel a neighboring island,

or bask in the sun,

but everyone can love

Not all of us can be a King, Queen, Prince or a Princess,

or hold an office of a Prime Minister or President,

or even take a foot to a palace of a Sheikh,

but everyone of us can love,

as long as we can recognize the greatness of

the humble and the ordinary existence

and share to others our joy, our pleasure and happiness

~Champs Ulysses Cabinatan

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Renewable resourse

What are you trying to protect heterosexual marriages from? There isn't a limited amount of love in Iowa. It isn't a non-renewable resource. If Amy and Barbara or Mike and Steve love each other, it doesn't mean that John and Mary can't. - Ed Fallon

Gay Acceptance

Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? - Ernest Gaines

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Burnt Biscuits

When I was a kid, my mom would prepare special breakfast every now and then. And I remember one night in particular, after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that biscuit and eat every bite!

When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget what he said: Honey, I love burned biscuits.

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned.

He wrapped me in his arms and said, Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And besides - a little burnt biscuit never hurt anyone! You know, life is full of imperfect things.....and imperfect people. I'm not the best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just like everyone else.

What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other’s faults - and choosing to celebrate each other’s differences - is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.

And that's my prayer for you today. That you will learn to take the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the feet of Love. Because in the end, Love is the only way you will be able to have a relationship where a burnt biscuit isn't a deal-breaker!

We could extend this to any relationship. In fact, understanding is the base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship!

Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket - keep it in your own.

God Bless You..... now, and always....

Friday, May 13, 2011

Spirituality Needs Love by Arhata

Love needs another. Love is an open giving and receiving process that gets deeper only by letting go and going deeper. Love is a relationship, and a relationship in it’s highest form of two people losing themselves into each other into an everlasting love that is within each for themselves and the other. Less is unfulfilled love that leaves the being short of the blossoming of divine love, or love beyond that which comes, and goes with ‘conditions’.

Love in any degree or form may be part of keeping a marriage together for a ‘marriage marathon’ achievement of decades of survival. Love does not need closed contracts of agreements to live together ‘til death do we part’. On the other hand, love can flourish under many circumstances that have infinite descriptions. Staying together through thick and thin may likely have nothing to do with anything but a low level love of ‘ego commitment’.

Breaking through love’s socially accepted barriers enters a space of evolving into what could be referred to as a ‘spiritual realm of consciousness’. Love in it’s deepest mutual sense is the catalyst to deeper levels of insight, consciousness, spirituality or whatever identification that comes closest to describing it. Love is far more than a word that gets passed around as if to touch everything with it. Love to the ultimate degree passes through, and is reflected by the mirroring of another simultaneously and unbreakably.

Love is the movement of energy light into your being while awareness is the giving out of love in the reverse. Awareness is also being within yourself in absolute aloneness, and in a sense, a feeling in high consciousness without a relationship but one within. Both love and awareness open the being to a state of higher consciousness. Deep inner awareness facilitates the ability to love another with no limitations as well as love being an opening of awareness. One merges with the other moving one beyond the state of the ‘coma’ of normal humanity.

Love does not possess without diminishing it into a ‘conditional’, low energy love. Love needs freedom or space for each person. Freedom is more valuable than love, but needs to have love filled in the heart to be really free. Love is never a bondage but a necessity on the path of ‘self realization’. Love is not a goal but a journey. The love journey is the goal with the insights it brings to the changes and maturity within. Freedom enriches love and awareness that together bring more of each other. Arhata


With great affection

Dora Saunier

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Love is innocent

Love is always in innocence. Love that becomes a barter system with endless compromises is, at best, a functional love to make it through one day after another. This is what humanity considers love. Love with another is the birth of a new being apart from the two individuals that it comprises. It is an ‘us or we’ where there are no compromises or even disagreements. Why compromise yourself, or disagree with yourself. Love creates a new self or a third entity that is ‘above’ the individuals and has a mind and heart of its own, filling each with its elixir that has everlasting qualities.

This new being is very hard for the programmed human mind to understand without the experience. The merger happens silently with two who are clear of inner obstacles, or who compassionately remain in awareness of those obstacles, and own them. Love is typically a journey, but not an ordinary journey. Love can be a journey with intent and compassion for its growth into the innocent merger of two souls.

Two people meeting with an instant creation into the birth of a third, and separate mind and heart, is as rare as an albino elephant, but possible. Practically speaking, two reasonably compatible people with chemistry can enter into the journey of the souls love into a blossoming of a ‘conscious couple’ that radiates within the light of example to lead the way for others struggling in the dark.
Innocent giving with no expectation of a return becomes the fuel that enables the flame to turn into a light that guides the way on the endless journey into a ‘superconsciousness’ that is both transforming to each, but is possible to ricochet its energy and ways out to the world. It’s time to turn off the lights of yesteryears darkness, take a deep breath, and letting go into a relaxation of a new paradigm. Stop the chattering mind and let go of all into the birth of a new dimension. Believe and follow the look of energy inside your heart, and in time the ‘seal on the heart’ will break into an everlasting joy and bliss. Welcome to beyond believing into the ‘knowing of the soul’!

Yeremiah Hardt

Friday, November 26, 2010

Just 5 more minutes

Five More Minutes !

While at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. "That's my son over there," she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide.

"He's a fine looking boy" the man said. "That's my son on the swing in the blue sweater." Then, looking at his watch, he called to his son. "What do you say we go, Todd?" Todd pleaded, "Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more minutes."

The man nodded and Todd continued to swing to his heart's content. Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his son. "Time to go now?" Again Todd pleaded, "Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes." The man smiled and said, "O.K."

"My, you certainly are a patient father," the woman responded.

The man smiled and then said, "My older son Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I'd give anything for just five more minutes with him. I've vowed not to make the same mistake with Todd. He thinks he has five more minutes to swing. The truth is, I get Five more minutes to watch him play."

Life is all about making priorities, what are your priorities? Give someone you love 5 more minutes of your time today.

I Love You

“I Love You”

In All Languages

How to say “I Love You” in different languages???

Let’s See… a List with more than 125 Languages!

AFRIKAANS – ek het jou lief / ek is lief vir jou

ALBANIAN – të duaALSATIAN – ich hab die liebDialectal

ARABIC (North African) – n’bghickDialectal

ARABIC (Eastern) – bahebbak (to a man) / bahebbik (to a woman)Literary

ARABIC – ouhibbouka (to a man) / ouhibbouki (to a woman)

ARMENIAN – yes kez siroumem

ASTURIAN – quiérote

ATTIÉ – min bou la yé

AZERI – men seni sevirem

BAMBARA – né bi fè

BASQUE – maite zaitut

BAOULE – mi klôa

BELARUSIAN – Кахаю цябе (kahaju ciabie)

BENGALI – aami tomakey bhalo basi

BERBER – righ kem

BOBO – ma kia bé nà

BOSNIAN – volim te

BRETON – karout a ran ac’hanout / da garout a ran / me az kar

BULGARIAN – обичам те

BURMESE – nga nin ko chit te

CATALAN – t’estimo

CHEYENNE – ne’mehotatse

CHINESE – wo ai ni

CORSICAN – amu tè / ti tengu caru

CROATIAN – volim teCZECH – miluji tě

DANISH – jeg elsker dig

DIOULA – mi fê

DUTCH – ik hou van jou

ESPERANTO – mi amas vin

ESTONIAN – ma armastan sind

FAROESE – eg elski teg

FINNISH – minä rakastan sinua

FILIPINO – mahal kita

FLEMISH (WESTERN) – ‘k zien je geerenFRENCH – je t’aime

FRISIAN – ik hâld fan dyFRIULAN – o ti vuei ben

GALICIAN – amo-te / ámote / quero-te / quérote

GEORGIAN – me shen mikvarkhar

GERMAN – ich liebe Dich

GREEK – s’agapoGUARANÍ – rojhayhû

GUJARATI – hun tane prem karun chhunHAITIAN

CREOLE – mwen renmen’w / mouin rinmin’w

HAWAIAN – aloha wau iā ‘oe

HEBREW – ani ohev otakh (man to a woman)/ ani ohevet otkha (woman to man)

HINDI – main tumse pyar karta hooHMONG – kuv hlub koj

HUNGARIAN – szeretlek

ICELANDIC – ég elska þig

INDONESIAN – saya cinta padamu / saya cinta kamu

IRISH GAELIC – tá grá agam duit

ITALIAN – ti amoJAPANESE – aishitemasu / aishiteru (barely used) / anata ga daisuki desu (”cute”)

KABYLIAN – hamlagh-kem (man to woman) / hamlaghk (woman to man)

KANNADA – naanu ninnanna pritisutteney

KHMER – bang srolaïgn ôn (man to woman) / ôn srolaïgn bang (woman to man)

KINYARWANDA – ndagukunda

KOREAN – saranghe

KURDISH – ez te hez dikim

LAO – khoi hak tchao laiLATIN – te amo

LATVIAN – es tevi mīlu

LEBANESE – b’hibik (man to woman) / b’hibak (woman to man)

LIGURIAN – mi te amu

LINGALA – na lingi yo

LITHUANIAN – aš tave myliu

LOW SAXON – ik hou van ju

LUXEMBOURGEOIS – ech hun dech gäer

MACEDONIAN – te sakam

MALAGASY – tiako ianao / tia anao aho (stronger)

MALAY – aku cinta padamu

MALAYALAM – enikku ninné ishtamaanu

MALTESE – inħobbokMaldiveian- aharen kalaa dheke varah loabivey

MANX – ta graih aym ort

MAORI – kei te aroha au i a koe

MARQUESAN – hinenao au ia oe

MONGOLIAN – Би чамд хайртай (bi chamd khairtai)

MORÉ – mam nong-a fo


NDEBELE – niya ku tanda

NEPALI – ma timilai prem garchhu

NORWEGIAN – jeg elsker deg

OCCITAN – t’aimi

PAPIAMENTU – mi ta stima bo

PERSIAN – dustat dâram (formal) / duset dâram (informal)POLISH – kocham cię

PORTUGUESE – amo-te / eu te amo (Brazilian Portuguese)

PUNJABI – mein tenu pyar karda han (male speaker) / mein tenu pyar kardi han (female speaker)


CUZCO – munakuyki

RAPA NUI – hanga rahi au kia koeROMANI – kamaù tut

ROMANIAN – te iubesc

RUSSIAN – Я тебя люблю (ia tibia lioubliou)

SAMOAN – ou te alofa ia te oe

SAMOAN – ou te alofa ia te oe

SANGO – mbi yé mô

SARDINIAN – deo t’amo (logudorese) / deu t’amu (campidanese)

SCOTTISH GAELIC – tha gaol agam ort / tha gaol agam oirbhSERBIAN – volim te

SESOTHO – ke ya ho rata

SHIMAORE – ni su hu vendza

SHONA – ndinokuda

SINDHI – moon khay tu saan piyar aahaySINHALA – mama oyata aadareyi (spoken) / mama obata aadareyi (formal)

SIOUX – wastewalake

SLOVAK – ľúbim ťa / milujem ťa

SLOVENIAN – ljubim te / rad te imam (male speaker) / rada te imam (female speaker)

SOBOTA – volim te / se te volime (lit.)

SOMALI – waan ku jecelahay

SONINKÉ – na moula

SPANISH – te amo / te quiero

SUSU – ira fan ma

SWAHILI – nakupenda

SWEDISH – jag älskar dig

TAGALOG – mahal kita

TAHITIAN – ua here vau ia oe

TAJIKI – jigarata bihrum duhtari hola (man to woman) / tra lav dorum (woman to man)

TAMIL – naan unnai kaadhalikkarn

TATAR – min sine yaratam

TELUGU – nenu ninnu premisthunnanuTETUN – hau hadomi o

TIBETAN – na kirinla gaguidou

TURKISH – seni seviyorumTURKMEN – seni söýärin

UDMURT – mon tone jaratiśkoU

KRAINIAN – Я тебе кохаю (ia tebe kohaiu)

URDU – mein tumse mohabbat karta hoon (man to woman)/ main tumse mohabbat karti

hoon (woman to man) / mujhe tum se pyar heh

UZBEK – men seni sevaman / men seni yahshi ko’raman (less formal)

VENETIAN – t’amoVIETNAMESE – anh yêu em (man to woman)/ em yêu anh (woman to man)

WALOON – (orthographe à betchfessîs) dji vs voe volt

WELSH – rydw i’n dy garu di


WOLOF – nob nalaXHOSA – ndiyakuthanda

YIDDISH – ich hob dir lib

YORUBA – moni ife eZULU – ngiyakuthanda

Sunday, October 3, 2010

17 signs you like someone

this is how u know u like/love someone

You look at their profile constantly.

When you're on the phone with them late at night and they hang up, you still miss them even when it was just two minutes ago.

You read their Texts and Ims Over and over again.

You walk really slow when you're with them.

You feel shy whenever they're around.

When you think about them, your heart beats faster but slower at the same time.

You smile when you hear their voice.

When you look at them, you can't see the other people around you, you just see him/her.

You start listening to slow songs while thinking about them.

They're all you think about.

You get high just from their scent.

You realize you're always smiling when you're looking at them.

You would do anything for them, just to see them.

While reading this, there was one person on your mind this whole time.

You were so busy thinking about that person, you didnt notice number twelve was missing

You just scrolled up to check & are now silently laughing at yourself.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Love Cancels Religion

Love is a magic that carries it’s own scriptures! Once it goes from passion to it’s depths, a ‘tabula rosa’ arises canceling all but the memories of any religion, and way of prior life. In that space, all attachments become a ‘past’ that can be only viewed from afar as if in another time, place, even the concept of ‘God’ takes on a new experience that really can only be understood by the rare fortunate. Words become unnecessary except for practical use. Love is a new start every moment needing only it’s energy to shine as bright as the first moment!

The universe smiles when love is reached. The deeper it goes, at some point it reaches a nirvana that implodes within forever. Love only dies when it hasn’t reached it’s depths. Love in it’s deepest form, becomes a fulfilling of bliss and inner joy that transcends all challenges throughout life. Perhaps there is no beginning and certainly, no end. Love of a mother for a child lasts without end. Deeper into another dimension of love, happens when two souls meet in a higher and higher place. That space is a ‘superconscious love’ that begins a new life.

Love cancels ‘everything’ that ‘man’ conjures up whether allegedly transmitted by any God or holy spirit. Love manifests a world that no ‘religious salesman’ can possibly communicate, but instead relies on ancient scripture from men who were very talented in the use of words that keep all but a few incarcerated from the freedoms of love. The barriers to love are as plentiful as all the specks of sand in the world.
Trust no talk on love that is not experienced as a positive blessing. Naysayers are ‘love’s losers’. Fancy, poetic words must always be matched to the experience of the ‘author’ for verification of reality. ‘Fairy tale talk’ is of the dreamers of illusion, not the experiencer.

Ecstasy is an experience, not a word to just imagine. Ecstasy in love is not up and down, but in differing levels of surreal, tender, positive heart feelings of a magic carpet ride with no end. Those who have only had different experiences less than mentioned, are blinded by not having met love in it’s full array yet. Love that comes and goes is not the everlasting ‘divine’ love. Love is like a magic elixir coming from the higher dimensions, meeting and filling the soul of the whole human being endlessly.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Self-Awareness: Emotional Intelligence and the Interplay of Mind, Body and Spirit

By Jo Anne Bishop

s is the ability to self-reflect on the many levels of consciousness within which we exist. It allows us to reflect and navigate effectively, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms of consciousness by re-enforcing our innate physical biofeedback system that allows us to bring balance, serenity and focus in the midst of chaos and challenge. Self-awareness includes the ability to evaluate the strengths and challenges of our personalities, the ability to understand and recognize our emotions and the impact they have on our equilibrium and the impact that they have on others. It also includes the ability to use gut reactions and intuition to help guide decision-making, building a sense of clarity and self-worth.

We are all born with a level of self-awareness that increases through life experience and the stages of human development that are present at birth. Although there is controversy over the validity of emotional intelligence at this time, most health care and business professionals acknowledge its existence and validity. It still remains as an acceptable model that explains why some of us are more apt to be successful than others. Dr. Goleman in the late 1990s, along with Drs. Mayer and Salovey, discovered certain patterns that indicated an explanation for why some people were more successful than other individuals. In evaluating successful people, they found that these traits could not be solely evaluated by using a IQ index (Intelligence Quotient). Through their research, they discovered another factor that they called EI (Emotional Intelligence). They found that people who used their ability to be self-aware along with three other factors were more capable of leadership and conflict management than others who were unable to manage their emotions and create self-direction and social awareness in their lives.

In his book entitled "Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ", Dr. Goleman noted that the ability to be self-aware increased personal knowledge and ability to influence the world around us. He called this ability "emotional competency". He suggested that there were four emotional competencies: self-awareness, self-management, self-direction and social awareness. It was his theory that ten percent of the population was born with a highly developed ability to innately utilize emotional intelligence. However, he also theorized that through a commitment to self-discovery and growth that these four competencies would automatically increase.

Dr. Goleman believed that a conscious commitment to the development of these four emotional competencies accelerated our ability to apply these skills in our everyday life, gaining mastery at different levels of consciousness. For many of us, his definition of emotional intelligence can also be applied to the idea of living a spiritual life. He also believed that the more emotionally intelligent one was, the more successful the individual would be in life and personal relationships. This means that someone who is emotionally intelligent would be self-aware of the impact of their actions, attitudes, thoughts and behaviors within themselves and their personal relationships. Emotionally intelligent individuals would have increased knowledge of mediating internal conflict, managing emotions and developing ability to use intuition and gut reactions for decision-making and innovation. The self-awareness component is one of the key factors in subjective evaluation of one's ability to be creative, intuitive and decisive, while maintaining limits and boundaries with self and others.
As we commit to becoming more self-aware, the brain begins to integrate to a higher degree, mind, body and spirit. In other words, it allows us to use our brains to reflect and to know ourselves more profoundly. This act of self-reflection allows us to see ourselves as separate beings as well as being a part of the greater whole. Self-awareness allows us to know that we exist and that we are both unique individuals and at the same time possess similar traits as others. It allows us to know that we live and exist in several levels of consciousness. We become capable of seeing ourselves living multi-dimensionally in time and space on the earth plane. Self-awareness then becomes a bridge to our conscious and subconscious mind, our actions, behaviors, thoughts, emotions, body sensations and physical well-being.

The commitment to self-awareness and release of limited thinking can lead to the skill of mindfulness. The state of mindfulness is what Buddhists believe is one of the pathways to enlightenment. Mindfulness can enhance our ability to use compassion and patience in our lives. These states when practiced daily, mindfulness, compassion and patience will eventually lead to serenity and peacefulness through detachment and the release of expectations that lead to disappointment and hurt when our mental pictures of people or events don’t fit the reality of our experiences.

The other three components of emotional intelligence are self-regulation, self-direction and the ability to feel empathy for ourselves and others offer us direction and structure for spiritual development. I believe self-awareness is the primary building block and cornerstone of acquiring a greater opportunity to balance our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual natures through self-knowledge.

The more self-aware that we become, the more we can step back and reflect on our reactions and choose to be more responsive to life. It allows us to recommit to change without being burdened by the idea of perfection. It also helps us to become more emotionally aware of our needs and desires creating a greater skill in understanding our own nature and limits, as well as the ability to communicate this information to others. Through this process, we slow down our reactive behaviors, increasing our ability to define our needs and respond to the needs of others. Self-awareness spiritually can help us develop intuitively, increasing our ability to process not only rational cognitive information, but also inner wisdom, intuitive urgings and physical biofeedback or gut reactions that warn us of danger as well as alerting us that we may be exceeding our own personal and physical limits.

Self-awareness helps us to create healthy boundaries for in our lives and our relationships with others increasing our ability to create intimacy. Aware of the consequences of our actions, behaviors and thought, we can reduce drama in our lives increasing the amount of time we have to create the future we want. Our thoughts and emotions, adverse and positive, can be viewed objectively through self-awareness increasing our accountability in keeping commitments we make in our lives. It is in this state that enlightenment begins the assimilation process leading to a better understanding of the dynamic interplay of mind, body and spirit in our lives. Our personal identities grow as we continue our journey into higher consciousness, as well as our ability to be altruistic to our fellowman. Self-awareness can fill us with compassion and love through understanding and mindfulness. The understanding of our past and present can empower us to consciously create a different future moment by moment instead of being at the effect of fate. Self-awareness moves us in the direction of personal responsibility and accountability. The decision to be personally responsible opens us to the unlimited power within us through use of the powerful tools of intention, commitment and goal setting to create the reality and future that we believe we deserve.

Join Jo Anne, the Official Guide to Executive Coaching, for a free five-part teleseminar series starting on February 4, 2010 on the Energy of 2012. If you have any questions for Jo Anne or would like to register or hear the audio presentations please contact her at or visit her websites:

Yeremiah Hardt

Happiness is....

Happiness is when what you think,what you say,and what you do are in harmony. That is happiness:to be dissolved into something complete and great. He who depends on himself will attain the greatest happiness. Happiness is a virtue, not its reward. The Grand essentials of happiness are:something to do,something
to love,and something to hope for. Happiness is:Looking in a mirror and liking what you see. Happiness is not a possession to be prized,it is a quality of thought,a state of mind. Happiness is not an ideal of reason,but of imagination. Happiness belongs to the self-sufficient.

Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others. Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination. Happiness is a Swedish sunset - it is there for all, but most of us look the other way and lose it. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on.

--KEEP SMILING not because of something but inspite of everything.

Yeremiah Hardt

Friday, June 18, 2010


We have so many passions and all the time in the world to purse them. We just have to believe, because when we believe we see the item we are searching for within life. We have to trust ourselves to enough to follow through with what we believe to be true and make them form into our reality.

We just have to take it easy with ourselves as well as others. There is no race to the finish line, except in our heads, life is yours take as much time as required. There is no reason to frustrate yourself, for life is your eternal playground.

Now do not be reckless, however you shouldn’t be so stress. Remember you are an individual and you instinctively know the right way and the wrong way to accomplish your tasks.

Yeremiah Hardt

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We have so many passions and all the time in the world to purse them. We just have to believe, because when we believe we see the item we are searching for within life. We have to trust ourselves to enough to follow through with what we believe to be true and make them form into our reality.

We just have to take it easy with ourselves as well as others. There is no race to the finish line, except in our heads, life is yours take as much time as required. There is no reason to frustrate yourself, for life is your eternal playground.

Now do not be reckless, however you shouldn’t be so stress. Remember you are an individual and you instinctively know the right way and the wrong way to accomplish your tasks.

Friday, June 4, 2010

River of Love

Love flows endlessly as in a moving river that never reaches an end, but merges into the vast ocean of love. Never let love become like a stagnate pond that even loses it’s ability to reflect the moon. Reach into the untapped reservoir of love that awaits it’s gushing to your decision to see, and allow the dam to hold back it’s power no longer. As water floods everywhere it is open to receive, love unlocked knocks on every door filling the air with invisible magic.

The mind and it’s ego is the dam that holds back the love to stagnate in obscurity in the darkness of the heart. The mind is a deceiver as it wants to think of itself as all powerful, and impervious to the free flowing of the heart’s wishes that threatens the selfish mind. The ‘mind traps’ in life that lead one to forget the heart while chasing ‘desires’ that in time float away like ‘flotsam’ in a river, are infinite and illusory. The mind is cunning enough to think it only needs itself and intellect to lead it to all it’s wants and desires. The beauties and challenges of both death and life are seen in their fullness only with the open heart.

The mind is male and the heart, female. The open balance of both keeps them flowing in harmony, and in balance with all nature. Living by the moods of the heart alone, with a mind that is programmed with unexamined information and unresolved conflicts of the past, is a heart out of control with it’s harmony. The open heart is a ‘rational heart’ as is the open mind a rational mind. Love opens it’s flow to embrace what life presents in flexibility partnering with the conscious discernments of the higher self. Real marriage flows from the open mind and heart in synchronicity with each other. Magic happens when two souls merge hearts and minds into a soul of a oneness.

Friday, May 28, 2010

10 Steps to live Happily Ever After

Do you know what all happy and healthy marriages have in common? In every one of them you will find two people committed to making each other happy. You will find a man who cherishes his wife and puts her needs above his own, and you will find a wife who respects and trusts her man. We live in very selfish times. Pop-psychology messages are everywhere in the media encouraging us to love ourselves, do right by ourselves, and generally please ourselves first. If you really want a happy marriage, don't buy into that type of self-centered thinking. Instead, try these ten time-tested techniques and experience the happiness, peace, and tranquility of a healthy marriage.

1. Make time for each other
 It's so easy in our hyper-busy modern lifestyles to forget to set aside a little time to enjoy each other's company. Start a weekly tradition of setting a date for the two of you to be together doing something you both enjoy. Keep it simple. Take a nice walk together. Sip coffee together in a cozy coffeehouse. Talk to each other, reminisce, and get to know each other again.

2. Take time off from each other
Give each other space and time to work on hobbies and personal interests. When you have an interesting project to work on, you will feel more fulfilled and you will be a more interesting person.

3. Make little romantic gestures
 Remember to compliment your spouse. Leave a little love note for them to find once in awhile. Celebrate the day you first met. Send flowers for no particular reason. You should continuously make little deposits in your spouse's emotional bank account. The return on your investment will be incredible.

4. Fight fair Don't argue in front of other people. Don't insult each other or each other's families. Never threaten divorce, and never go to bed angry. Let the little things go, and don't make a big deal out of every disagreement. Before arguing, think; is this really going to matter in the long run?

5. Take interest in what interests your spouse
Watch their favorite shows with them. Read their favorite book, so you can talk about it with them. Encourage them to develop their talents.

6. Listen to your spouse
Husbands, remember that women need to express their feelings. Be a good sport and just listen. Don't interrupt or get distracted. Empathize with her. Let her know that you can relate to what she's feeling. Ladies, please remember that the kind of talk you might like to have with your husband does not come naturally to most men. Just be patient. It's not a good idea to "unload" on him right when he comes home from work.

7. Accept your spouse for who they are
Practice total acceptance. Don't hold your spouse to your expectations; you will only succeed at building resentment.

8. Express your commitment
 In little ways, you can, and should, renew your vows to each other over and over. Your spouse will feel comfortable and secure knowing that you are truly committed to the marriage. True closeness will only happen when all doubt and insecurity is replaced by confidence in the relationship. Let your spouse know that you really are in it "till death do us part."

9. Trust in each other. Don't be suspicious. Don't snoop through each other's belongings. To help ensure the trust, be honest with your spouse in all things. Never keep secrets from each other, not even little ones.
10. Make it your aim to be your spouse's best friend. Appreciate your spouse for who they are. Loosen up and have fun with each other. If you are practicing the steps above, you are on your way to being your spouse's best friend the ultimate relationship in marriage.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You are beautiful

By: Hifzur Rehman
Yes, it is true, you are beautiful beyond any doubt.
Did you know that you are a unique person with a special kind of God gifted beauty which no other person possesses? That beauty is something very personal and individual. You must acknowledge that "hidden" beauty within you to know your own worth as a beautiful person.

Beauty is something that can neither be measured nor can be described in words. It's an impression that one leaves on others and that impression is the true reflection of many fine characteristics of one's own personality. I call it "inner beauty".

If in doubt about your own beauty, you may be suffering from some kind of inferiority complex thus badly affecting your professional and family life. Don't let the negative forces to ruin your life. Be confident about yourself.

Look straight into the mirror and say with full confidence "I am beautiful". Wait and let the mirror say "you are beautiful". On your way to work, shopping or social engagements, keep repeating "I am beautiful" and let others say "you are beautiful". Your eyes, ears, nose, lips and even the pores of your skin must say "I am beautiful". This type of confidence about your own beauty will leave no option to others but to admit that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

This is the time to start a new life as a self-confident beautiful person and achieve success in every sphere of your life. You are no doubt a beautiful person. Say YES with a big smile.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Loving Love

The act of love is the greatest act of all. When love is known nothing can stand in the way.
Worry cannot stand in the way of love. Love is the greatest attribute of life. Love needs help to get spread across humanity. However it only needs the help to begin, then it has the energy to continue on this path.
Memory can guide love through whatever path it needs to go on. This gives it the energy to go through the trials life causes them. Obstacles cause love to be greater as it goes on. This greatness gives the strength to overcome the pain life have.

Time can only strengthen love. Time let's it overcome fear that is set before it. The need for love is reciprocally strengthened through the outputting of it.


Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face. When you laugh you keep yourself young. Laughter does not vanquish time, it just lessens the effect of it. It is contagious. When you laugh it spreads amongst your accompanying spiritual entities that surround you either physical or not.

Laughter helps whatever the situation you are in. It is like sprinkles of sugar on lemons. Lemons would represent our human problems. Sugar is the fun that is necessary to live a full and happy life.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Love is so freeing. Everything is set free by love. It is one of the thrills of life. Love is the one free thing in life that is more precious than gold. It is the brightest light of all.

It is so freeing from the shackles that hate puts forth. It is an infinite freedom that conquers anything in its path. It can last forever and in all respects it makes all life worth living.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Levels of Love

Love is often a convenient word to describe a passing feeling of the moment, but in its true meaning, is as clear and overwhelming as the air we breath. Love is beyond a word that has many spellings in different languages. Love, like the air, is free. Love is innocent. Love heals. Love has no boundaries. Love is unexpected. Love is unconditional. Love is the spirit of energy.

‘Watered down love’ is in popular vogue. The word love is used as a device to ‘shut it’s recipient up’. What love is and isn’t endless and fraught with infinite opinions. The most meaningless use of love is used for ‘love of the manmade material’ from money to expendable experiences and items like cars, TV’s, movies, sports, furnishings, clothes, food, stimulants, and the like. Not following far ahead is love of attention, success, job, ideologies, religions, fantasies, etc.

The next level of love, which is below ‘real love’, and often very conditional as is those already mentioned, is God, marriage, friends, family, people, etc. Love with most is conditional for the most mundane reasons. Family and friends love over the years is commonly always changing and falling off the ‘criteria of love’. Quality of meaning of love over time separates the ‘real from the momentary love’.

No real, unconditional love is possible without the conscious love of one’s inner self, which nothing can alter. The ‘peaks of love’ are often touched in flashing moments by most but rarely sustained. Self love seeks other love of the same high quality as if ‘mirrored love’. Love on lower levels frequently gets stuck in the attachment to that love, foregoing finding it within. Love knows no hate or even doubt of its existence.

Love is not a shadow that disappears when clouds or darkness appears in one’s life.
Love is an invisible energy that never loses itself. At it’s highest peaks, love transforms all to its highest possibilities. Love of the multidimensional divine that is an invisible presence, and is always providing bliss and joy inspite of life’s challenges, is love at its ultimate. Love is endless in time that transcends all. Love is in the air to breath in, to light itself. The deep ‘breath of love’ is like an endless river that colors and illuminates the presence of the compassion of love for itself.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

One way Love Affair

Love is not always two ways, or even convenient. There are many ways to open a heart that gets little attention. Does any heart, even the full one, not pine for more and more love? Is there a heart that is filled with love for life wanting no more? Love comes in all styles and degrees. The love of two people is at the peak of love’s possibilities. Love may involve the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of one’s experience with another.
Love usually begins with a mother and baby in an unconditional way, particularly for the mother even though it’s ‘dependent love’. As we reach into teen years and adulthood, two independents have the hopeful opportunity to experience ‘healthy two way love’ to the extent that both are willing, and perceivably able. Things may have been thrown in the way of the growth of the open heart. A guarded heart is one that misses the freedom and joy that a balanced open heart enjoys. There are ways to open the suffering heart.
Other than many forms of meditation, one way is to allow loving another silently with no expectation of a visible return of the love. There are no rules on who one can love, or how many. Of course, love for all is a mystical, magical, divine expression of a deep self love. Love is not needy, but does yearn for it’s connection and resonance from another. If one can love one person, the doors of the heart open to many, but with discernment and sensitivity for oneself and any others. Love at it’s peaks becomes ‘personal’, but should never close itself to a personal love for others be it ‘one way and silent’.
During the day pick out one or more that move your heart to open, and send energy (love) to them with no expectation of return. They may be gone from your life forever, or may be someone you occasionally connect with but current circumstances are not, for any number of reasons, favorable to have a two way ‘free expression’. Love one way, beyond the self, is healthier than none for self or anyone. Silent unattached personal love of another is ‘free and healthy’. Always find ways to open the heart even if it’s alone. Self love will open you up and other’s will feel your projection that is from the ‘non expecting-giving heart’. The Doors of Love are always open and free - walk in!

That Crazy Thing called Love

Every popular song is about it, half our books and films obsess over it, and everybody wants it.

But when we come to ask what love is, we are overwhelmed by a myriad different ideas and experiences.

On the one hand, love can lift us up; on the other, it can destroy us.

The problem is further compounded because we generally also feel tremendous love for our mothers, our children, our friends even chocolate. Or maybe especially chocolate.

How can one little word cover so many different nuances of feeling? More importantly, if love means different things to different people, how can we ever effectively communicate it?

Scientists have been trying to define love according to their frame of reference for a very long time.

The pioneering sexologist Havelock Ellis provided a famous but entirely incorrect mathematical formula: love equals a physical relationship plus friendship.

Freud dismissed romantic love as the sex urge, blocked.

(The guy's obsessed with sex)

Social biologists have scanned our brains and identified three chemicals— dopamine, phenyl ethylamine and oxytocin — which they claim attract us exclusively to our mates for long enough, in their opinion, to conceive and give the offspring a secure start.

All of this is mildly diverting, but of no use when someone looks into your eyes and tells you that they love you.

Dictionaries are not much help either. They list almost two dozen definitions — including affection, fondness, caring, liking, concern, attraction, desire and infatuation.

We all instinctively agree there is a huge difference between liking and complete infatuation. What we need is a new lexicon, something to help us negotiate and understand all the different types of love.

Psychologist Dorothy Tennov has already taken the first step towards this goal. She interviewed 500 people from different backgrounds and age groups, both gay and straight, about falling in love, and found a startling similarity in how each respondent described their feelings.

The basic components were:

-intrusive thinking (you can’t stop daydreaming about them);

-an aching in the heart;

-an acute sensitivity to any act or thought which can be interpreted favorably;

-fear of rejection and

-unsettling shyness in their presence;

-intensification through adversity (at least up to a point) and

-a disregard for all other concerns.

Tennov also discovered ‘a remarkable ability to emphasize what is truly admirable and avoid dwelling on the negative’.

Love is, in other words, blind, deaf and completely oblivious to foolishness.

(They needed to do research for that??)

To distinguish between these overwhelming emotions and the more stable, domestic feelings experienced by long-term couples who are only too aware of their partner’s failings,

Tennov coined a new term: limerence.

The obsessive, intrusive nature of limerence would be immediately recognizable to Martin:

‘I met her at a salsa class, the attraction was instant and we ended up exchanging telephone numbers, even though I knew she was married.

‘It was impossible to get down to work until we’d had our morning talk. I’d ache if she didn’t call.’

Twelve months later, when the affair had ended, Martin realized that they had little in common.

He put the attraction down to ‘lust’, yet the affair had been mostly non-intimate.

Tennov confirms: ‘Sexual attraction is not enough. Selection standards for limerence are, according to my informants, not identical to those according to which mere sexual partners are evaluated, and intimacy is seldom the main focus for limerence.

However, the potential for mating is felt to be there, or the state described is not limerence.’

When someone is under the spell of limerence, not even being rejected dampens down the madness. If limerence is returned, the feelings intensify and the couple end up ignoring their friends.

Sadly, these intense feelings never last.

Tennov puts the duration somewhere between six months and two years. This is a very similar figure to that proposed by social biologist Cindy Hayman of Cornell University, who tracked the brain chemicals of 5,000 subjects in 37 different cultures, and found this phase lasted between 18 months and three years.

It is important to have a new word for these intense feelings, for two reasons.

First, it recognizes the normality of borderline crazy behavior in the first stages of love, which could easily be stigmatized as stalking, or pathologized as too much in self-help books such as Women Who Love Too Much, by Robin Norwood.

Secondly, when limerence wears off, some people fear they are falling out of love.

In reality, love has just moved on to a new phase, and many people use limerence as a springboard for a long-term relationship. Arguably, we need this temporary madness, to convince us to set up home and intertwine our destinies with relative strangers.

While scientists have not researched precisely what it is that makes us choose one person over another, they have looked at what makes a good long-term partnership. At this stage we pick people who are like us, or who complement us in some hidden way.

Often, we search for other people with whom we can act out the issues we were unable to resolve as children. Our partners have to speak the same language, or there is simply no connection.

I call this kind of deep, intertwined love ‘loving attachment’.

Unlike limerence it is based on rational ‘eyes open’ choices about compatibility. Unlike limerence, loving attachment dies if it is not reciprocated, especially physically.

Unlike limerence, loving attachment can last forever.

To truly understand loving attachment, it is necessary to clarify the difference between the love for our partner and that for our children and our parents. Popular romance feeds us the idea of unconditional love, and during the limerence something approaching this is often achieved.

However, once a couple has moved on to loving attachment, unconditional love becomes a distant memory.

Most couples end up in my office because one half feels that their love is not returned, and because of that, over time, they have detached themselves from the relationship.
In contrast, the love for our children or parents is seldom conditional. I call this bond loving affection, because affection exists largely independently of how the recipient responds.
The confusion between loving attachment and loving affection can cause just as much misery as the confusion over limerence.
Love is a source of tremendous joy and comfort.
However, it will also be the source of untold pain, until we begin to differentiate between the three strands contained in just one four-letter word.
Maybe this new lexicon can help us understand each other better.


Have you ever found a friend

Who makes your heart glow?

Someone who is wonderful,

Who you're honored to know,

Someone to laugh with,

And sometimes to cry,

Someone who loves you

When you don't know why

Someone who just seems

To understand you,

Someone who you love

No matter what they do,

Someone who you

Think of day and night,

Someone who shows up

When the time is just right.

Someone who shares all

Your ups and downs,

Someone you smile with,

Replacing your frowns,

Someone who appears

Whenever there is a need,

Surely you must know,

God planted that seed

These seeds God has

Planted here on earth

Cannot be measured

By earthly worth.

They were planted deeply

In your friend's heart,

By God's love placed

Here from the start.

Value those friendships,

Honor their decisions,

Never try to make their

Dreams your revisions.

Respect their feelings,

Never make demands,

Hold their love tightly

In your hands.

Never be angry if you

Don't talk to them each day,

For a heart can be loving

Even from far away.

Trust in friendship,

Send a piece of your heart,

This is how friendship

Was intended from the start.

Hold their memory

In your heart and mind,

Continue to love

Them all the time,

See them for what they really are -

True friends are Angels

Sent by God from afar!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Power of a Hug

It has been proved that showing affection strengthens growth and positive development in people. We all need physical contact to feel good, and one of the most important ways of physical contact between two people is hugging. Who does not need cuddles in this society that is becoming ever colder, more competitive, that compels us to be more individualistic, more personal-goal oriented...? When we hug, we receive an energy feedback. We bring life to our senses and reaffirm the trust in our senses. Sometimes we CANNOT find the right words to express how we feel, and then hugs are the best way to say it. We need four hugs a day to survive, eight to preserve ourselves, and twelve to grow. A hug makes you feel good. The skin is the biggest organ we have and it needs a lot of love. A hug can cover an extensive part of the skin and provides the massage you need. It is also a way to communicate. It can convey messages for which you have no words. We can always resort to the universal language of hugs. The Power of Hugs

Hugging achieves many things that you might never have imagined. For example:

• It feels good

• It dissolves solitude

• It defeats fear

• It opens the door to sensations

• It improves self-esteem (wow, he or she wants to hug me!)

• It encourages altruism (I can't believe it, but I want to hug that person)

• It delays aging (those who hug age more slowly)

• It helps reduce appetite (we eat less when we are nourished with hugs and when our arms are wrapped around others)

More benefits from hugs:

• It is environmentally friendly (it does not damage the environment)

• It preserves energy

• It is portable and requires no additional machinery

• It does not require a special place to do it (an adequate place to hug)

• In any place such as a conference room, a church or a football field

• It makes happy days even happier

• It gives us a sense of belonging

• It fills the void in our lives

• It is still effective even after the hugging has finished

• It strengthens and increases our ability to share

• It harmonizes the hearts of friends

Hugging creates some form of addiction to tenderness, to altruism, to happiness...

Just as laughter, it is highly contagious! Whatever your hug may be, let it always come from the heart, not from the mind.

Come up with new ways of hugging.

Give your hugs interesting or funny names.

Become a full-time "hug therapist."

Be always ready to offer a hug to someone.

Observe the other person and always be careful of his or her personal space.

Do not try to impose your vision or philosophy on others.

A hug does and says very much.

Hug your friend, your loved one, your kids, your parents, your pet...

To A Child. . . Love Is Spelled T.I.M.E.

By Lance Wubbels

In the faint light of the attic, an old man, tall and stooped, bent his great frame and made his way to a stack of boxes that sat near one of the little half-windows.

Brushing aside a wisp of cobwebs, he tilted the top box toward the light and began to carefully lift out one old photograph album after another. Eyes once bright but now dim searched longingly for the source that had
drawn him here.

It began with the fond recollection of the love of his life, long gone, and somewhere in these albums was a photo of her he hoped to rediscover.

Silent as a mouse, he patiently opened the long-buried treasures and soon was lost in a sea of memories. Although his world had not stopped spinning when his wife left it, the past was more alive in his heart than his present aloneness.

Setting aside one of the dusty albums, he pulled from the box what appeared to be a journal from his grown son's childhood. He could not recall ever having seen it before, or that his son had ever kept a journal. Why did Elizabeth always save the children's old junk? he wondered, shaking his white head.

Opening the yellowed pages, he glanced over a short entry, and his lips curved in an unconscious smile. Even his eyes brightened as he read the words that spoke clear and sweet to his soul.

It was the voice of the little boy who had grown up far too fast in this very house, and whose voice had grown fainter and fainter over the years. In the utter silence of the attic, the words of a guileless six-year-old worked their magic and carried the old man back to a time almost totally forgotten.

Entry after entry stirred a sentimental hunger in his heart like the longing a gardener feels in the winter for the fragrance of spring flowers. But it was accompanied by the painful memory that his son's simple recollections of those days were far different from his own. But how different?

Reminded that he had kept a daily journal of his business activities over the years, he closed his son's journal and turned to leave, having forgotten the cherished photo that originally triggered his search.

Hunched over to keep from bumping his head on the rafters, the old man stepped to the wooden stairway and made his descent, then headed down a carpeted stairway that led to the den.

Opening a glass cabinet door, he reached in and pulled out an old business journal. Turning, he sat down at his desk and placed the two journals beside each other.

His was leather bound and engraved neatly with his name in gold, while his son's was tattered and the name "Jimmy" had been nearly scuffed from its surface. He ran a long skinny finger over the letters, as though he could restore what had been worn away with time and use.

As he opened his journal, the old man's eyes fell upon an inscription that stood out because it was so brief in comparison to other days. In his own neat handwriting were these words: Wasted the whole day fishing with Jimmy. Didn't catch a thing.

With a deep sigh and a shaking hand, he took Jimmy's journal and found the boy's entry for the same day, June 4. Large scrawling letters pressed deeply in the paper read: Went fishing with my dad. Best day of my life!

This article was excerpted from the book To A Child Love Is Spelled T-I-M-E by Lance Wubbels and Mac Anderson it is reprinted here with permission. You may share this story as long as you do not edit the content, leave this link and resource box intact. Click here to purchase the Book from my friends at Simple Truths

No matter one's age...time shared together is love. Always allow time for what's most important in your life...your friends, your family and yourself. You never know how the moments you share together will impact each other and the world!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kissing Meditation

Deep kissing is meditation. All religions and spiritual nudniks who in the long past have not given any form of raising consciousness that has anything to do with love (‘NOT ACCORDING TO THEIR OPINIONS’), have destroyed the rise of humankind from it’s grave of suffering. Be it the ‘make believe celibacy’ of the Catholic church or any other religious organization practice under the auspices of God’s direction, are all full of unadulterated smelly crap!

Until recently, and now only in the liberal sects of Christianity, have they let up on putting the verdict of ‘fire and eternal hell’ in minds for anything trespassing their subjective borders of what’s right or wrong. Young people are very impressionable and susceptible to erroneous rhetoric from those in positions of appearing to speak for God. Islam threatens death to those who don’t follow the ‘rules of love’ even though they’ve made them up. Even the so called ‘gurus from India’ almost exclusively, have nothing to say from experience on matters of love between two people. All of them just don’t know, and are brainwashed themselves!

Unknowingly in my first teen years, I discovered one of the great unrecognized forms of meditation - kissing. For reason that came natural, I as many others in the Western world, somehow knew when to ‘draw a line’ with sexual exploration for good purpose, instead electing to focus on acceptable safer forms of love’s expressions. Never did I have a clue about this thing called meditation or clearing the mind into awareness. Quite naturally my instincts led to use common sense in romantic ways that needed to be kept from the sight of adults, but was sensitive to nature’s surprises of ‘continuing the species’.

For those years I would spend more hours than I could count in embrace of a girl with kissing that moved all thoughts into another realm of ecstasy. The back dark row in the movie theater was a good 2 1/2 hour opportunity as some movie played much to our obliviousness. Anywhere an opportunity of being alone was filled with kissing and hugging. Only an intense other type of meditation could possibly create the bliss of divine nirvana that happened. Kisses sweeter than the finest wine lasting longer than it normally takes to drink a glass of it were favored! Many beautiful experiences were discovered not without noticing that ‘white lies’ took on a new reason to use for members of either family! Kissing and hugging opens the heart and consciousness above the waistline of meditation! Deep kissing clearly opens a merging with the stars and divine godliness!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Have you Ever…

by Dennis Merritt Jones, From The Art of Being ve you ever spent time allowing your mind to wander and wonder?
Have you ever thought about how incredible it is that you can read and decipher these words and draw meaning from them? Have you ever contemplated in amazement how your body works, maintaining itself to a large degree without any help from you?
Have you taken time to contemplate what causes your heart to beat and what turned the breakfast you had this morning into skin, fingernails, and hair?

Have you ever taken just a few moments to simply stare at a beautiful flower and notice the incredible patterns and colors that not even the greatest artist could re-create?

Have you ever looked up at the stars and planets at night and been in awe of the expansiveness of it all, perhaps even wondering if there might be some other being on some distant planet looking back at ours at the same time, wondering the same thing?

Have you ever thought about what holds the planets and stars in place? Have you ever gazed into a newborn baby's eyes and seen the infinite presence of pure spirit looking back at you and been in awe of the fact that this being just came from the absolute essence, God?

How can you or I do any of these things and not feel like an intricate and significant part of something far greater and grander than the "little me"?

I have done all these things, and I can tell you that, in part, it is what keeps me sane, grounded, and spiritually connected to God, life, and purpose when the world seems to be getting more and more crazy each deaths also includes those times when I tend to get too enmeshed in my own personal trauma dramas. Life is always manifesting purpose; all we need to do is think about the miracle of it all.

So, the next time you feel as if you are getting caught up in the frenzy of the world or your personal life begins to look like a bad soap opera, take some time and consider some of the above questions.
Give yourself the gift of a sacred moment in the now. With great and clear intention, contemplate and connect with the miracle of life, where God is always present.

Celebrate your unity with God...and truly be in awe. The word "awe" is the root from which the word "awesome" comes...and that is what you really are. Not because I say so but because God is awesome, and what God is, so too, are you.

It's just a matter of taking time to think about the wonder of it all.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sharing Happiness

Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.

Every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.

The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite detail, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man couldn't hear the band - he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words.

Days and weeks passed.

One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths, only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone.

Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall.

She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you."

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Most times we are unaware...but there are angels...everywhere ....