A- All the time, I can only think of you.
B- Being w you, the world is so beautiful.
C- Catching every breath, you breathe.
D- Doing all the things that you like.
E- Ella is my name, I wish I'm the one you think of.
F- 4am, I m still writing about you.
G- Giving all my thought to you.
H- Happiness can be so simple.
I- I like you, there's no reason.
J- Just that I can't tell you more.
K- Knowing It's not possible for me n you.
L- Love can heal some scars n wounds.
M- Money can never buy happiness.
N- Neither It can buy love.
O- Only you, I can think of.
P- Part of me still wanna talk to you.
Q- Queens n Kings only stay in fairytale.
R- Right now, I can only call your name.
S- Sleep w thoughts of you until daylight.
T- Take all my love, anytime you want to.
U- Upon my heart, I say a little prayer for you.
V- Valentines Day, I wish I can be w you.
W- With the love I wrote, If your door is not
X- Xtra happiness awaiting at your doorstep.
Y- you're the only one I can think of.
Z- Zoom my heart, If you can't see.