Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Journey toward Soulmate Reunion
By DL Zeta
There are many in the world who live alone inside their hearts, longing for "the other" they believe will end their loneliness and transform their world to a place of love and fulfillment. This is the search for the soulmate. Much is written about this search for the beloved, but much of what is said about soulmates is in reverse.
To seek one’s soulmate in the outer world is to misunderstand this urge for communion that flickers inside every heart. Each being is the sum of two halves, the first being the conscious, physical manifestation, and the second, the unseen, spiritual aspect. When these two halves unite within consciousness, they constitute a whole being. “As above, so below” is a basic truth that helps decode many situations. It is true as well with soulmates. The conscious and subconscious minds are the true soulmates. When a person unites these, they are united in physical reality with one who is a reflection of their inner soulmate.
The Un-unified Consciousness
The person who has not yet united these two aspects of their own consciousness will draw into their lives others who have not yet unified their own consciousness. Instead of sharing a sense of wholeness, these two beings will have in common a sense of lack and longing that no one can ever fill. Such relationships are created at the soul level as a learning experience. Often this experience inspires them to search for answers. If you are in relationship and you feel lonely, this is an indication you have not yet come into a clear understanding of soulmates. A relationship with another is merely a reflection of the inner soulmate reunion; it is not the soulmate reunion itself.
This outer quest for the soulmate will continue until one learns to transform their outer quest to an inner quest. The inner quest will in time unite the physical and spiritual aspects of their being. It’s when we reach a state of inner unification we cease longing for another to transform our life.
This is paradoxically when a person appears as a reflection of one’s unified self. In this way, everyone in your life is reflecting to you some aspect of your self.
Harmonizing the Conscious and Subconscious
So how, you may ask, does one go about harmonizing these two aspects of their being? This is done by setting one’s intention to do so, and asking one’s intuitive guidance to bring awareness to the many opportunities for direct communion each day. One of the ways your subconscious speaks to you is in your dreams. Remember, write down and work with your dreams to begin receiving these important transmissions. Spend time each day meditating in silent communion with your spiritual self. Spend time in nature listening to the still, small voice within, for this is the voice of your spiritual self. A busy mind over-invested in the physical world will never find time to unite with its spiritual self.
Once the intention to unify your “selves” is in place, you begin to create an energetic field that grows and expands with every step you take towards inner harmony. When you unite with your spirit, you begin to harmonize with all your selves across time. Since all-time exists simultaneously, your selves are manifested in different timeframe dimensions at once.
As you harmonize with these other "selves," you also harmonize with the souls who have played the role of your soulmate throughout time. The "other" who comes into your life to reflect the union of your physical and spiritual selves can be one of a number of souls along an energetic spectrum.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
In The Rush of Life, You may miss the Important Things
A weary mother returned from the store,
Lugging groceries through the kitchen door.
Awaiting her arrival was her 8 year old son,
Anxious to relate what his younger brother had done.
"While I was out playing and Dad was on a call,
T.J. Took his crayons and wrote on the wall!
It's on the new paper you just hung in the den.
I told him you'd be mad at having to do it again.
She let out a moan and furrowed her brow,
"Where is your little brother right now?"
She emptied her arms and with a purposeful stride,
She marched to his closet where he had gone to hide.
She called his full name as she entered his room.
He trembled with fear--he knew that meant doom!
For the next ten minutes, she ranted and raved
About the expensive wallpaper and how she had saved.
Lamenting all the work it would take to repair,
She cndemned his actions and total lack of care.
The more she scolded, the madder she got,
Then stomped from his room, totally distraught!
She headed for the den to confirm her fears.
When she saw the wall, her eyes flooded with tears.
The message she read pierced her soul with a dart.
It said, "I love Mommy," surrounded by a heart.
Well, the wallpaper remained, just as she found it,
With an empty picture frame hung to surround it.
A reminder to her, and indeed to all,
Take time to read the handwriting on the wall.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Raw Politics of Love
Compromise doesn’t belong in ‘love’! Why compromise love? Does love require one to tolerate? Is not ‘to tolerate’ a form of grudgingly accepting something? Why compromise and settle for less than wanted? You compromise or tolerate situations or people when the love is ‘thin’ or, perhaps better said, ‘superficial’. How many join in a partnership of marriage as a form of ‘compromise’? Love is a merger of two souls of unrelenting love.
Love needs no compromise.
When ‘love’ fades, as it usually does inspite of declarations otherwise to please the situation or, others, the ‘juice’ that seemed to be there once becomes diluted with a return to the old habits prior to the connection so that two people are not loving the same person that they began with. When love is strong, often in the beginning, it’s real.
Later when people fail to stay in ‘conscious love’, the old patterns begin to seep in. Those patterns lack empathy, compassion, integrity, mutual admiration and, absence of the ‘fear of closeness’.
If you were me and, I were you, would there be any questions of compromise and tolerance or, would everything just be ‘insync’? There is no question of differing views melting into harmony where all would ‘just be’. It’s always ‘hello friend’, I am you and you are me in the darkest or lightest of moments. All separations disappear except when one needs to just ‘be’ for the good of the ‘we’. Decisions are made from the aware heart for the benefit of the one.
Love is a many sided affair but, when merged as one, it’s a never ending ‘love affair’. Between the eyes of love there is a certain melody to always play wherever things go.
Down on the ‘playground of the earth’ in winter, spring, or, summer there is no politics in love to make it ‘fall’. There is one soul, in you and wherever or, whomever it meets, it’s still the same one following you to meet. Look ahead, laugh and smile, love is always at your side ready to jump inside.
Love needs no compromise.
When ‘love’ fades, as it usually does inspite of declarations otherwise to please the situation or, others, the ‘juice’ that seemed to be there once becomes diluted with a return to the old habits prior to the connection so that two people are not loving the same person that they began with. When love is strong, often in the beginning, it’s real.
Later when people fail to stay in ‘conscious love’, the old patterns begin to seep in. Those patterns lack empathy, compassion, integrity, mutual admiration and, absence of the ‘fear of closeness’.
If you were me and, I were you, would there be any questions of compromise and tolerance or, would everything just be ‘insync’? There is no question of differing views melting into harmony where all would ‘just be’. It’s always ‘hello friend’, I am you and you are me in the darkest or lightest of moments. All separations disappear except when one needs to just ‘be’ for the good of the ‘we’. Decisions are made from the aware heart for the benefit of the one.
Love is a many sided affair but, when merged as one, it’s a never ending ‘love affair’. Between the eyes of love there is a certain melody to always play wherever things go.
Down on the ‘playground of the earth’ in winter, spring, or, summer there is no politics in love to make it ‘fall’. There is one soul, in you and wherever or, whomever it meets, it’s still the same one following you to meet. Look ahead, laugh and smile, love is always at your side ready to jump inside.
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